
Sail 2 Indonesia With Us


We’re exciting to announce the 2024


 Sail 2 Indonesia Rally Registration has closed but there are still 2 places available.

 To register your interest for the 2024 Sail 2 Indonesia Rally click HERE

For more info, or if  you’re looking to Express Interest in 2024, Read On!

Have you been longing to sail Indonesia, but you’re not sure about doing it alone? Join the Sail 2 Indonesia Yacht Rally from  Australia & New Zealand and cruise the Spice Islands in company.

The inaugural Sail 2 Indonesia Rally took place in 2014 and due to its success The Wonderful Sail 2 Indonesia Rally became an annual event. For 2024 we have new rally partners with Coastal & Offshore Cruising International coming aboard and a small name change back to

The  Wonderful – Sail 2 Indonesia Rally.

Spaces for the 2024 event are limited but those submitting an EoI will have priority, so make sure you register your Interest early, or for more information email Rally Admin.

Our Primary Goal

The primary goal of the Wonderful – Sail 2 Indonesia Rally is to;-

  • Provide those who are heading to SE Asia with a professional and informative introduction to Indonesia.
  • Ensure participants receive current and accurate information before departing.
  • To streamline the documentation for entry and exit.
  • Facilitate initial visa application.

At entry into Indonesia, Usually Debut in the Kai Regency the Sail 2 Indonesia Rally hands over the reigns to The MoT Festival Program for the Sail Through Indonesia, Wonderful Indonesia.

The primary goal of Wonderful Indonesia;-

  • Facilitate the Clearance into Indonesia with expert assistance at Debut in the Kai Regency
  • To introduce participants to the Culture, Peoples and Beauty of Indonesia
  • Ensure participants receive current and accurate information throughout Indonesia.
  • To streamline the documentation for Visa Extensions.
  • Facilitate initial visa application.
  • Streamline the Departure from Indonesia.

We Take the Hassle out and Make Cruising More Fun

The Wonderful – Sail 2 Indonesia Rally is all about choice!

Do everything, do some of it, sail in company or sail alone it is up to you!

Not a ‘rally person’? – No worries !  No matter your level of involvement you can still get the benefits and savings associated with being part of the rally.

You choose from where you depart.

The Wonderful Sail 2 Indonesia Rally is open to all vessels, power or sail, mono or multi from 9m to 18m departing from the SW Pacific New Zealand or Australia.

Click HERE for more info on Departure Ports

You choose what you do in Indonesia.

The Wonderful – Sail 2 Indonesia Rally offers more rally choices.

  • After arriving in Indonesia at the designated port of entry, Join the  Ministry of Tourism Festival Events schedule (Join all or some of these Wonderful Events).
  • Early arrival and a visit to Raja Ampat before rejoining the Ministry of Tourism Schedule of Events at Tifu, Buru Island
  • Sail from Darwin and clear in at Kupang and sail in company to North Central Timor, Alor, Lembata, Larantuka, Maumere, Riung and rejoin the Ministry of Tourism Schedule of Events in Labuan Bajo


  • A free, independent cruise with all the support we can offer with a mix of special organised events at some of the highlight stops in Indonesia, some route suggestions to help you plan, but with the itinerary up to you. This is an ideal plan for those wishing to spend more than one season cruising Indonesia.

Click HERE for more info on Arrival Ports and rally options.

With a range of departure and cruising options it’s often difficult to get everyone in the one place at the same time. In past years there has been no fixed Rally Briefing for this reason. In 2023 we’ll be trialing internet based “Group Media Briefings” in the lead up to the start covering a range of information from Preparation, Weather, Cruising Options, Sailing Notes, plus Entry and Clearance into Indonesia. We’ll also be sharing information via the Sail 2 Indonesia Mobile App!

What’s Next?

Click the link below to register your interest for the 2024 Wonderful – Sail 2 Indonesia Rally, it’s that simple. No payment required, you don’t need to decide on anything – yet!

By submitting an Expression of Interest (EoI) you will be sent the Wonderful Sail 2 Indonesia Rally Introduction PDF with details on how to register for 2024,and yes, numbers are limited. You’ll also receive regular updates and information relating to next year that’s exclusive to participants only, that’s you!

SO, Click HERE  to submit your EOI

Learn more about the rally destinations here >>

About Indonesia

54,716km of coastline, 17,508 islands, over 300 languages… Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world, and a land of incomparable diversity and beauty. Learn more about Indonesia here >>